Monday, June 20, 2011

Flex Builder 3 on Eclipse Ganymede

While this post might be obsolete, I believe its still useful.

I have had a problem this evening configuring Flex builder 3 with Eclipse. On the final step I was getting this annoying error and for that reason the installation fails:

Missing requirement: Flex Debug Plug-in for Eclipse 3.2 3.0.214193 (com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.e32 3.0.214193) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.debug.ui [3.2.0,3.3.0)' but it could not be found.

The org.eclipse.debug.ui I have is much more higher version, so Flex shouldn't technically complain about this (3.5.x). I saw a lot of google posts asked by various users, but none had a solution. As I finally made it work, I thought it would be worth useful for somebody else out there.

Solution (Well precisely its not a solution, but a workaround)
  • Assuming you have already installed Flex builder.
  • Take a backup of : /
  • unjar/open: com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.e32_3.0.214193.jar
  • Remove the value : bundle-version="[3.2.0,3.3.0)" (which would be the last Require-Bundle section)
  • Update the Jar with the changes.
  • You might need to replace the modified com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug.e32_3.0.214193.jar into /plugins as well.
  • Restart and continue the flex update from eclipse.
This time the installation should pass. :)

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